

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Unreleased (3.0.0)


  • Breaking: Drop support for Python versions < 3.8

  • Breaking: PDF reports are not generated anymore by default. Add generate_report = "every_iteration" in the settings to restore behaviour of previous versions.

  • Breaking: Optimizer.save_pdf_report() is moved out of the Optimizer class to report.produce_optimization_report().

  • Breaking: Renamed the package from “cluster” to “cluster_utils”. Imports will still work for now (see Deprecated section) but in commands for running hp_optimization/grid_search need to be changed accordingly (e.g. python3 -m cluster_utils.grid_search ...)

  • Breaking: All exit codes other than 0 or 3 (the magic “restart for resume” code) are now considered as failures. Previously only 1 was considered as failure.

  • Breaking: Changed the parsing of arguments in read_params_from_cmdline():

    1. Server information is now passed using named arguments --cluster-utils-server and --job_id instead of a positional dictionary string.

    2. There is no automatic detection anymore, whether the parameters are passed as file or as dictionary string. By default a path to a file is expected now. When using a dictionary instead, the new argument --parameter-dict has to be set now.

    That is, instead of "{'_id': 42, 'ip': '', 'port': 12345}" "{'param1': 1, 'param2': 2, ...}"

    use this now: --job-id=42 --cluster-utils-server= --parameter-dict \
        "{'param1': 1, 'param2': 2, ...}"

    Running a job script manually using a parameter file still works like before: path/to/settings.json

    Likewise, arguments are passed to job scripts using the new format now, when they are executed by cluster_utils. So if you use non-python scripts that process the arguments, they may need to be updated accordingly.

  • The raw data of grid_search is saved to a file “all_data.csv” instead of “results_raw.csv” to be consistent with hp_optimization (the format of the file didn’t change, only the name).

  • Dependencies for report generation and nevergrad are not installed by default anymore. Install the optional dependency groups “report” and “nevergrad” if needed (see Optional Dependencies)

  • Local submissions now store stdout and stderr to log files, like they would do on the cluster. This should be useful for debugging scripts to work with the cluster locally, as previously, there was no way to access the outputs of locally running jobs.

  • Renamed read_params_from_cmdline to initialize_job. An alias with the old name is available but will raise a FutureWarning.

  • Renamed save_metrics_params to finalize_job. An alias with the old name is available but will raise a FutureWarning.

  • Relevant for Dev’s only: Use ruff instead of flake8 for linting.

  • Internal modules have been moved to sub-packages. This should not affect normal users which just run cluster_utils via the provided scripts but in cause you have some custom scripts, running cluster_utils, you may need to update them.

  • Base dependencies cover only needs of client and base sub-packages. For the server sub-package (needed to run the cluster_utils applications), install the optional-dependencies group “runner”.


  • Removed option save_params from read_params_from_cmdline. They will always be saved now.

  • Removed option make_immutable from read_params_from_cmdline. Returned parameters are always immutable now. If needed, a mutable copy can be created with smart_settings.param_classes.AttributeDict(params).

  • Removed imports of grid_search() and hp_optimization() functions directly from cluster_utils. They can still be imported from cluster_utils.server.job_manager if needed (though regular users shouldn’t need to call them directly).


  • Setting generate_report to control automatic report generation (See General Parameters).

  • Command python3 -m cluster.scripts.generate_report to manually generate the report based on saved files (see How to Generate Reports).

  • Support settings files in TOML format.

  • Control logger level via environment variable CLUSTER_UTILS_LOG_LEVEL (most relevant use-case is to enable debug output via export CLUSTER_UTILS_LOG_LEVEL=debug.

  • Option to run jobs in Singularity/Apptainer containers (see Use Singularity/Apptainer Containers).

  • Basic Slurm support (Note supported options in cluster_requirements differs a bit from HTCondor, see Cluster Requirements).

  • grid_search and hp_optimization now provide some help when called with --help.


  • Make it work with Python >=3.10

  • Fix not counting some jobs as successfully concluded. This happened if the server registered a job as finished before its results arrived, incorrectly counting such a job as failed. This might have been in particular the case if a job sent a larger amount of metric information at once.

  • Fix exit_for_resume not working on local submissions. If a job called exit_for_resume, the job would just exit, not restart, and cluster_utils would indefinitely hang waiting for the job to fully finish. Now, local submissions restart the job if the job instructs them too.


  • The package has been renamed from “cluster” to “cluster_utils”, please update your imports accordingly. There is still a wrapper package with the old name (so existing code should still work) but it will be removed in the next major release.

  • read_params_from_cmdline is deprecated. Use initialize_job instead.

  • save_metrics_params is deprecated. Use finalize_job instead.

2.5 - 2023-10-05

Last version supporting Python 3.6.

2.4 - 2022-02-08

2.1 - 2020-06-20

2.0 - 2020-03-25