Use checkpointing with exit_for_resume()

This is an example how to use checkpointing and restarting jobs using exit_for_resume() when training a neural network with PyTorch.

For more information on exit_for_resume() see Restart jobs using exit_for_resume().

import os
import sys

import torch

from cluster_utils import (

def save_checkpoint(save_path, model, optim, iteration):
    """Save a dict with all variables necessary for a resume in a file.
    Make sure to also save the optimizer state if it uses an adaptive
    learning rate!"""
            "model_weights": model.state_dict(),
            "optimizer_weights": optim.state_dict(),
            "iteration": iteration,

def load_checkpoint(load_path, model, optim):
    """Load all previoulsy saved variables. The program starts clean
    after a resume, so we have to look if a checkpoint file exists in the
    current folder. If not, then we assume the program runs for the first
    iteration = 0
    if os.path.isfile(load_path):
        checkpoint = torch.load(load_path)
        iteration = checkpoint.get("iteration")
        print(f"Resuming from checkpoint at iteration {iteration}")
    return iteration

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # parameters are loaded from json file
    params = initialize_job()
    # a folder for each run is created
    os.makedirs(params.working_dir, exist_ok=True)
    checkpoint_path = os.path.join(params.working_dir, "")
    # these are taken from json file for illustration
    total_iterations = params.total_iterations

    # initialize toy model and optimizer
    model = torch.nn.Linear(10, 20)
    optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
    target = torch.ones(size=(128, 20))

    # if a file exists, it is loaded
    iteration = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, model, optim)
    # redirect output to log file for easier understanding what happens
    # the log file is written after the program ends.
    sys.stdout = open(f"{params.working_dir}/log_{iteration}.txt", "w")  # noqa: SIM115

    while True:
        # do some training
        x = torch.normal(0, 1.0, size=(128, 10))
        y = model(x)

        loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(y, target)
        print(f"loss {loss} episode {iteration}")
        iteration += 1

        # It is best to replace the iteration- with a time-constraint, jobs grow in
        # cost based on runtime by (0.1 * running_bid * n_compute_units) every hour!
        if iteration == 100:
            # we first save the necessary data to restart our job
            save_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, model, optim, iteration)
            # then we exit the job by calling a special function
            # htcondor internally restarts the job in the same cluster_utils working_dir
            # you will not see this in the utils progress bar, check
            # /working_directories/0/log.txt after the job
            print(f"Exit job at iteration {iteration}")

        if iteration >= total_iterations:

    metrics = {"loss": loss, "iterations": iteration}
    # save final metrics, you will only see the resuming in the cluster_run.log file
    finalize_job(metrics, params)
    print(f"Training finished, final loss {loss} at episode {iteration}")

The corresponding cluster_utils config file:

  "optimization_procedure_name": "grid_search_checkpointing",
  "results_dir": "/is/rg/al/Projects/tmp/example_results",

  "git_params": {
    "branch": "master",
    "commit": null
  "script_relative_path": "examples/checkpointing/",
  "load_existing_results": false,
  "run_in_working_dir": true,
  "environment_setup": {
  "cluster_requirements": {
    "request_cpus": 1,
    "request_gpus": 0,
    "cuda_requirement": null,
    "memory_in_mb": 16000,
    "bid": 800,
    "hostname_list": ["g018", "g025", "g026", "g027", "g028", "g029", "g030", "g031", "p001", "p002", "p003", "t001"]
  "restarts": 1,
  "samples": null,
  "remove_jobs_dir": false,
  "hyperparam_list": [
      "param": "total_iterations",
      "values": [200]


This example is included in cluster_utils/examples/checkpointing and can be directly run from there.